
So what is like to live with an Ibizan Hound?

The Ibizan is an intelligent, elegant, and regal hound. And yet, they can act clownish and goofy.

Their natural instinct is to chase down small prey, without a second thought to your lot line or that car coming down the street. This instinct can (and will) override any training you do that teaches them to sit or stay. When they take off, you must first get their attention before they will stop or come back. You may find it very difficult to get their attention while they are focused on prey and running away at 20+ mph.

Always have them leashed when they are not in a fenced yard. We’ve heard people say their dog never runs away – until it does.

“Beezers” (a nickname used by owners of the breed) learn quickly, but usually want to do things on their terms. Patience is required when teaching a new behavior. It helps if they think what you want them to do was their idea. They respond well to praise and positive reinforcement. They do not respond well to the “firm hand” approach and may even shut down and stop doing whatever you are working on. Praise, praise, and more praise is the best method.

Ibizans are also very sensitive dogs and will never forget any cruelty. However, when brought up with love, they will become your loyal friend for life. A gentle hand and many treats will get you far with an Ibizan.

This breed may appear aloof to strangers but should never be fearful or aggressive. Good socialization, as with many breeds, is a must.

Ibizan Hounds are active and require a good amount of daily exercise. They are a swift-footed sight-hound and will run down prey if the opportunity presents itself. Since they can jump great heights from a stand still, a high fence is recommended. Again, they should never be off leash when not in a secure, confined area.

They bark. And loudly. Not all the time. But they can, and do bark. Some are more vocal than others.

Ibizans are clean dogs.  They don’t smell unless they get into something.  If they get muddy, put them in their crate for 20 minutes and the mud will dry and fall off their coat.  Then just wipe or vacuum up the dirt.

They don’t constantly shed their fur as some breeds might. But they do blow coat when the weather changes. So expect some dog hair around the house and on your clothes from time to time.

And they are hunters. Should game enter your yard (fenced or not), they will hunt them given the opportunity. If they have 24×7 access to your yard, it should not be a shock when an opossum or racoon has been “treed” in the middle of the night.